Apple has launched its cheapest pencil in India, which is priced at ₹ 7,900. Apart from this, it is also the first Apple Pencil to come with Type-C connectivity. That means this pencil can now be connected and charged through Type C-port.
Faster and tilt sensitive than before
The company claims that this pencil will be better compatible and easier to use than before. This pencil is faster and tilt sensitive than Gen-1 and Gen-2. That means it will work better on the screen even after tilting like a normal pen or pencil. Buyers will be able to book it from November by visiting the company's official website.
Length and thickness less than Apple Pencil Gen-1 and Gen-2
Compared to the two pencils launched earlier by the company, its length and thickness is less. The length of Apple's first pencil was 6.92 inches and the length of the second was 6.53 inches. The diameter of both was 0.35 inches. The newly launched Apple Pencil Type C will work on all models and generations of Apple iPad.
What is Apple Pencil?
The Apple Pencil is a digital pen-pencil-paintbrush combination device. In the language of technology it is called stylus. Its use is to do everything done using fingers on the tablet screen. It does things like sketching, drawing, writing notes, taking screenshots, zoom-in, zoom-out etc. in a better and smarter way than our fingers.